The listing of the following websites and articles does not imply an endorsement of any information by No-till on the Plains, Inc.
Note: (WCP) indicates that the article was presented at the No-till on the Plains Winter Conference.
General Soil Health and Sytems Management
- 10 Steps to Farm Soil Like a Crop (Corn and Soybean Digest)
- Recommendations for Managing Corn Residue by Paul Jasa
- Understanding the Process of Water Infiltration by Rolf Derpsch
- History of No-till by Rolf Derpsch
- Concept Seeder by Dwayne Beck (WCP)
- Managing Cover Crops Profitably, SARE Publication
- Reduce Global Warming Potential With No-till by Jim Kinsella (WCP)
- Making The Change Pay – The Holistic Way by Kirk Gadzia (WCP)
- The Real Dirt on No tillage by Jill Clapperton (WCP)
- We Are Here Because The Soil Unites Us by Agustin Bianchini (WCP)
- Farming for Health: The Future of Agriculture by Ross M. Welch (WCP)
- Economics of No-till farming by Rolf Derpsch (WCP)
- Ask Dr. No-till (BASF)
- 60 Ways Farmers Can Protect Surface Water
- No-till Making It Work (Ontario)
- Energy Estimator for Tillage
- Cover Crop Chart from USDA ARS
- Cover Crop Frequently Asked Questions from USDA RMA
- Bringing on the Bees by Rhonda McCurry, published in No-till Farmer
- Managing Resistant Weeds with Cover Crops
- Livestock Integration: Managment, Observation and Adapability